The ResourceSmart Schools is a Sustainability Victoria program that provides practical support to schools to reduce resource use, make cost savings, integrate sustainability into the curriculum and share learnings beyond the school gate. The ResourceSmart Schools program recognises and rewards schools through Sustainability Certification. Stars are obtained through completion of Modules and meeting benchmarks for resource use and are valid for four years. Each of the 5 Stars has specific requirements for completion.
Core The Core module assists to evaluate where each school is and where it wants to get to, and how it will get there.
Energy Energy consumption is Victorian schools’ greatest impact on the environment.
Biodiversity The Biodiversity module helps schools to protect and improve the land (schools grounds and surrounds), the local ecosystem, and plant and animal habitats.
Water The Water module assists schools to reduce water use and save on bills.
Waste The Waste module helps schools minimise waste sent to landfill and save on bills through the operational practices of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’.

What is the “Sustainability Action Group”?

The Sustainability Action Group is a group of people who meet once every 1-2 terms to discuss the School Environmental Management Plan at Swan Hill College and how best we can meet the outcomes of the ResourceSmart program modules. This group includes:

  • The Staff Sustainability Leader
  • The Student Sustainability Leaders
  • The business manager
  • Leadership staff
  • Other interested staff

What is “The Green Team”?

The Green Team is a student body made up of junior and senior sustainability leaders, other students from years 7-12 and other staff. The goal of The Green Team is to educate and encourage students and staff of Swan Hill College to become more sustainable. The work we do aligns with the ResourceSmart module requirements to achieve certification.

What can you do to support?

Encourage students to place their rubbish into the correct bins. Encourage students not to waste water. Come along to Green Team meetings to offer suggestions and work with the students. Read our meetings minutes in the staff newsletter and bulletin messages on Daymap. Be a part of the Sustainability Action Group. Educate yourself around sustainable practises and promote this with your own students. Ask questions ☺ and have conversations with students and staff around sustainability issues.