Sub Schools



Senior Sub School


The academic and personal development of students from Year 10 to Year 12 is managed by Senior Sub School. We promote the College values on a day-to-day basis and feel our students are exemplary role models to the junior school.

At Year 10 we work on transitioning students from Junior School to Senior School with a focus on responsibility and pathways. Students have the opportunity to study subjects offered in the VCE and VET program, and we offer a range of programs and guest speakers to support students on the journey. The “Choose Survival” program encourages students to be safe and look out for their mates, and students set achievable academic and personal goals in the “Shape your Destiny” seminar. Students are also given able to complete work experience in Year 10, with many connecting with local business to gain an understanding of what skills are needed to be successful in a particular industry.

By Year 11 students choose either a VCE or VCE-VM pathway with the support of the Careers team, and there is an emphasis on academic success in both programs. All our VCE subjects are taught by staff who are competent and able to help students both in and out of school hours, whether this is in the Responsibility Room, Homework Program or in the Common Room. Our VCE-VM students work with staff to plan and deliver school based and community projects, often linking with local primary schools, organisations and industries to complete tasks. Work experiences is also encouraged to Year 11 students, which can be aligned with one or more of their subjects. Wellbeing wise, we offer many programs to educate students, including an informative seminar by Sonya Karrass, “A Whole New World”.

In Year 12, the Senior School team works closely with students to help prepare them for life after school – whether this is further study or employment. For our VCE students, we run our ACES Group, where students work with VCE teachers and guest speaks to ‘Achieve, be Challenged and Excel in Senior School’. These skills are embedded in assemblies, and revisited in both the Homework Program and Responsibility Room, as a way to further equip students to experiences success on their SACs and exams. Other programs such as the “TIS Tour” and “VCE Success Strategies Seminar” help guide our students onto the right pathways. Our VCE-VM students plan a week-long Melbourne camp, which gives students the opportunity to navigate around the city, as well as building life skills such as communication and budgeting. We also work closely with the school’s Wellbeing Team, as well as guest speaks – such as the ‘Party Safe Talk’ – to ensure that students maintain a healthy balance between study and leisure.

The Senior Sub School consists of Year Level Managers, Sub School Manager and Sub School Assistant. We work closely in conjunction with the Wellbeing and Careers team to provide the best assistance to our students.


Junior Sub School

Swan Hill College Junior School supports students in year 7, 8 and 9. Each cohort has a Year Level Manager (YLM) who oversees the student’s learning, development and wellbeing needs. YLM’s work with their students to follow positive behaviour expectations; celebrating success and re-teaching expectations when required. The Junior School Manager oversees all three year levels, working with students, leading transition, supporting the implementation of the Positive Behaviour Support Plan and sourcing programs. Our Assistant Principal supports the junior team, engages with students, and works cohesively within the team. The Junior Sub-school team is supported by a Sub school assistant and Education Support member. The junior school is the first point of call for all our student needs. We assist our students academically, socially, emotionally and cohesively.

Students in junior school have a number of camps available to them throughout the 3 years. In year 7 we have the Snow Camp (four days in Falls Creek, undertaking downhill skiing, cross country skiing and tobogganing). In year 8 the students head off to Tasmania to experience a range of landmarks and travel around the island for 5 days. Year 9 is our Alpine School for Student Leadership, offering a select group of students an alternate educational setting to explore, experience and develop leadership qualities.

We are very proud of the diverse opportunities we offer our students in their early secondary education at Swan Hill College. Our literacy program withdraws identified students providing them a smaller setting and an individualised intensive literacy intervention to aid in their learning needs. The reading program in year 7 and 8 develops explicit skills and a deeper understanding of how and why we read.  Our numeracy pathway programs allow students to learn at their level, while having access to highly qualified staff and our STEP program presents students with an alternate program to support student’s individual needs.

In junior school we offer a range of exciting opportunities to develop student leadership. We have forums, PBS leaders, junior captains and sustainability leaders amongst many. Students work with fellow students, staff and the community to initiate incentives, run activities or lead a team.

We begin transitioning our new year 7’s in early May and from this time on we prepare the students to make their transition to secondary education.